When you both look at each other, and experience the heart sporting, then the he attracted you into his hands. Berpagut your lips together, but instantly ... he ceased the hug. What's wrong? Is it my breath? Say it Is not so. To be sure, the mind-set of the he creates you wonder? "Am I too aggressive? Or is it vice versa? Then why did she instantly want to stop?
According to a analysis ever performed by a web page in The united states, a individuals capability to fragrance, can create the several hug want to stay, even fulfilled and willing to create really like. But if you and your lover does not experience this, absolutely there is something erroneous. It is not possible, you or your lover is not a excellent kisser group, or could be your lover does not really like getting. Which is correct? As a way for you not inquisitive, have a look at the following truth to uncover the appropriate solution.
He ceased the hug 'hot' you
If he's instantly quit you a enthusiastic hug, and cautious to proceed, then this is a hint that you are too willing to do it. This creates the couple could not take in. Remedies that you can do is, individuals getting in a more peaceful, entire of pain.
The several ceased inhaling and exhaling as you exhale
Do not over-confident and take your oxygen refreshing as the day air. What if it changes out otherwise? The best way to get around so this does not occur, is to guarantee the quality of oxygen just before getting. The actual may differ, you can use a lips freshener apply, draw candies, and always sustain dental (brush tooth and gargle with an antiseptic).
Pairs away from your lips
Every time you hug, the several seemed to prevent. He even select treat your other components of your system. No wonder if you're questioning about this behaviour. If this happens, it can be determined that your methods while getting is not ok. However, this situation a advantage however, because individuals usually hug other components of your system.
He's cautious to begin a kiss
Kissing with a beloved, can create a individual do not proper take excellent her waste. Usually the individuals who are very shy though, will be pleased to begin getting. But if your lover never took the project to begin a hug, this implies he's a bit sluggish meladani hug you who have not produced his approach. If so, begin now think to develop the way you hug. If necessary, ask him, hug like what and how he desired. That way you do not need to think again, right?
You eat, not biting down hard his lip!
No issue man or woman, he would like it if occasionally biting down hard his lip while getting your lover. But sometimes without acknowledging it, your lover's lips even eat like gum. Knowledge that are not primary it, certainly creates individuals cautious to acknowledge the hug you again.
Your lover getting someone else!
In inclusion to the he was not true to you, it could be indeed he is also not fulfilled with your hug. Then, soon improved your getting approach and create him rue getting other individuals who created him look ridiculous in entrance of you.
a blog that discusses all the common knowledge and all kinds of articles about life.
Top 10 Worst Logos
10. Bottom Logo

In case you can’t tell – it is a Japanese house in front of the rising sun. what else could it be?
9. *Special* Surgery

Guess where I am not going for surgery?
8. High Fashion

Guess where I am going for clothes.
7. Fine Food

Sausage anyone?
6. Olympics

Even though people have pointed out the obvious problem here, they still insist on using this.
5. Pediatrics

A picture paints a thousand words.
4. Children’s Clinic

Don’t worry – be happy. Or not.
3. Pharmacy

Enemas ‘r’ us.
2. Speechless

1. Open Wide

Bonus: We fix your computers

10 Goodness behind the smile
A look is possible for us is uncomplicated, simply take the part of his mouth to the side and displaying teeth. But is not that easy, sometimes happy at certain times very difficult. Especially if we do not "mood" for tersenyum.Senyum close operations with a individuals personality, because not a few found the individual characteristics of the "smile". Smile a lot of thoughts associated with heart, heart and thoughts circumstances. A look can impact wellness, stress levels and our appeal. Joy are also thought to be one way if you want to remain young. Joy are known to have benefits, among which are:
So keep yourself from depressive disorder, stress and fear with the one word that is "smile", of course with a look in place and the right ambiance. If increased, then others will think you're ridiculous. One more thing to look because you get one value shadaqah.Sudahkan you look today?
- A look creates us more eye-catching. We will always be fascinated to someone who is always happy. Individuals are always happy had its own allure. Face lines, scowl, get people away from us, but instead look can create them interested.
- Joy modify our thoughts. When we experience down or "down" try to look. Maybe our thoughts will modify for the better.
- A look can encourage others look. When someone smiled the look that will create the climate become better, modify the thoughts of others around it and create everyone happy. Individuals who like to look provides enjoyment for those around him. Often a look then you will be liked by many individuals.
- A look can reduce stress. Stress can actually appear in your experience. A look inhibits the perception that we are actually worn out or feeling "down". If you are burdened try to look, then your stress will reduce and you will experience better to create the next step.
- A look raises the immunity process (immune) your system. A look can help the defense operate in order to operate effectively. When you look, defense operate raises the chances of you become more peaceful.
- A look reduces your system stress levels. When you look, then your system stress levels will reduce. If you do not believe, you can try it for yourself, if you have a system stress levels assess in your home.
- Smile released hormones (natural painkillers) and this. Several research indicates that a look can be stimulated pleasure of hormones, normal pain relievers, and this. A look is a normal medication.
- A look can lather your experience and create you look newer. The muscle mass used to look come to create you look newer. If you want something different, then give your look all day, then you will look newer and experience better.
- A look creates you look profitable. Individuals who look look more positive in living his lifestyle. Try happy when you have a conference and when there is a guarantee. Acquaintances, friends, people nearest you will experience something different.
- A look creates you make sure. Smile! And now try to think of something negative without stop happy. Sulitkan? Because when you look the look that will deliver alerts to your system that "Your lifestyle these days is fine".
So keep yourself from depressive disorder, stress and fear with the one word that is "smile", of course with a look in place and the right ambiance. If increased, then others will think you're ridiculous. One more thing to look because you get one value shadaqah.Sudahkan you look today?
10 unusual happening that happens in the people mind
10. Deja vu
Deja vu is a certain type of practical understanding will be an continuous element where you have skilled it or seen it before the new problem - you experience as though the occurrence has took location or is being recurring.
The practical understanding is usually associated with powerful ideas such as are well known with and a feeling of scary, overseas, or unusual. Experience "previously" is usually associated with desires, but from time to time there is a certain feeling that it's already took location in the last.
9. Deja Vecu
Deja vecu (Read Deya vay-koo) is what is skilled by many individuals when they think they are suffering from deja vu. Deja vu is the feeling of having seen something before, whereas déjà vecu is the practical understanding of having seen a celebration before,
but only in excellent aspect - such as realizing scents and appears to be. It is also usually associated with an powerful feeling for understanding something that will come later. Experience that has ever took location - not only know what's returning next - but also able to tell individuals around what is to come, and usually it is real. This is very unusual and emotions that can not be
is described.
8. Deja visite
Deja visite is an practical understanding that few individuals practical understanding of which includes a understanding of wonder going somewhere new. For example, you may never know the tracks in a new metropolis, you want to go to or perspective though never been there before, and you believe it is difficult to have
knowledge about it. If Deja visite of regional interactions and location, while Deja Vecu is about the activities of time. Nathaniel Hawthorne authored about an practical understanding like this in his publication "Our Old Home" where he frequented a damaged adventure and have total understanding about the earth strategy structure. He was then able to follow the practical understanding of a
poem published by Alexander Pope had go through several decades later. The composition represents the condition of the ft was effectively exactly as he knows.
7. Deja inches
Deja in. is the happening of something ever imagined. It is specifically a psychological happening and rarely negotiate in your ideas after that. In the ideas of the individuals after the practical understanding is: "What is of dilemma is what has been discovered formerly, and was already known, but was overlooked for a while, and now experience fulfilled as if it had been remembered. Ability
remember it always begins with the speech of others, or by the ideas of my own ideas, or with what I go through and the ideas of the heart. I think provided that the problem is not typical I talk in common a few easy phrases such as Oh, yes. I comprehend, of course, I keep in mind, and others, only one or two mins later I can recognition it all, with no need of ideas and ideas stated by the language to make reminiscences. I just get that feeling is just like what has been imagined before in such irregular circumstances.
You think just saying it, but you also realize that actually did not total a concept.
6. Jamais Vu
Jamais vu (never seen) is described as a problem had never known but can not identify.
It is often considered as the other of deja vu and generate a feeling of scary and worry. You do not identify a problem even though you know rationally that you've been in that problem before. Usually it can be described when one individual does not identify a few instances, ideas, or a location that is actually already recognized. It creates individuals believe that the Jamais vu is a type of indication of mind exhaustion.
5. Presque Vu
Presque vu is often stated with the ideas, "seemed to have at the tip of the tongue" - is a powerful feeling that you will get a sign or ideas of what is overlooked, but it never came. The phrase "presque vu" indicates "close look". Sensation of presque vu can significantly affect the ideas and ideas, and often individuals had gone to bed he created.
4. L esprit de l'Escalier
L'esprit de l'escalier (staircase cracks at home) is the feeling to think of a brilliant kids when it was too later to be presented. The concept can be used to explain the kids are fast to offend, or any of your feedback intelligent and funny, although his introduction was too later and ineffective identical us to think when it is above the steps to depart a celebration.
A concept of In german treppenwitz used for the same objective. The nearest concept in Language to explain this problem is "being prudent after the occurrence or to be prudent after the occurrence.
The occurrence is usually associated with ideas of rue for not imagined of before to provide an immediate response feedback as desired. But it might be prudent if we think that it might be merunyamkan response partnership. God menyintai who are individual and avoid.
3. Capgras Delusion
Capgras misconception is the happening where a individual considers that a companion or household has improved its personality as a scams. This is relevant to the historical thinking that little ones have been lost and improved by a fairy youngster kidnapper in the favorite anecdotes in old instances, as well as a present day dream about aliens or aliens who take over your system of the individuals in the world to be their associates.
This misconception is discovered most generally in people with infected people, but did not concept it also has strange your ideas.
2. Fregoli Delusion
Fregoli Delusion is a scarce mind happening, in which a individual considers that individuals who are different, are really the same individual in cover. It is often associated with worry and the truth that the individual appearing it is trying to persecute him. The situation is known as after the Italian language performing professional, Leopoldo Fregoli which is prominent for its capability to enhance themselves easily during his performing designs. The first document in 1927 in a example on a 27-year-old lady who considers she is being harassed by two characters who are often seen in a theatre. He imagined that these individuals are "constantly following him with a shapeshifter like the individuals he recognized.
1. Prosopagnosia
Prosopagnosia is a happening in which a individual is incapable to identify people of individuals or physical objects that should have been known. Those who practical understanding this problem are usually able to use any other feeling to identify the individuals, like the fragrance of scent individual, design or design of wild hair, speech, or even their design. A vintage situation of this chaos was released in a publication released in 1998 and
never viewed through Erina Nyman firefox known as "The Man Who mistook his spouse for a hat or a individual who incorrectly be his spouse because of his hat.
We have some practical understanding of feeling, which comes to us for a second, from what we say, done after the said or done before, in a while ago - from the items around us, through the last, with the people of the same , physical objects, and circumstances - of our ideal understanding of what will be said later, as if we instantly keep in mind it! - Charles Dickens
Deja vu is a certain type of practical understanding will be an continuous element where you have skilled it or seen it before the new problem - you experience as though the occurrence has took location or is being recurring.
The practical understanding is usually associated with powerful ideas such as are well known with and a feeling of scary, overseas, or unusual. Experience "previously" is usually associated with desires, but from time to time there is a certain feeling that it's already took location in the last.
9. Deja Vecu
Deja vecu (Read Deya vay-koo) is what is skilled by many individuals when they think they are suffering from deja vu. Deja vu is the feeling of having seen something before, whereas déjà vecu is the practical understanding of having seen a celebration before,
but only in excellent aspect - such as realizing scents and appears to be. It is also usually associated with an powerful feeling for understanding something that will come later. Experience that has ever took location - not only know what's returning next - but also able to tell individuals around what is to come, and usually it is real. This is very unusual and emotions that can not be
is described.
8. Deja visite
Deja visite is an practical understanding that few individuals practical understanding of which includes a understanding of wonder going somewhere new. For example, you may never know the tracks in a new metropolis, you want to go to or perspective though never been there before, and you believe it is difficult to have
knowledge about it. If Deja visite of regional interactions and location, while Deja Vecu is about the activities of time. Nathaniel Hawthorne authored about an practical understanding like this in his publication "Our Old Home" where he frequented a damaged adventure and have total understanding about the earth strategy structure. He was then able to follow the practical understanding of a
poem published by Alexander Pope had go through several decades later. The composition represents the condition of the ft was effectively exactly as he knows.
7. Deja inches
Deja in. is the happening of something ever imagined. It is specifically a psychological happening and rarely negotiate in your ideas after that. In the ideas of the individuals after the practical understanding is: "What is of dilemma is what has been discovered formerly, and was already known, but was overlooked for a while, and now experience fulfilled as if it had been remembered. Ability
remember it always begins with the speech of others, or by the ideas of my own ideas, or with what I go through and the ideas of the heart. I think provided that the problem is not typical I talk in common a few easy phrases such as Oh, yes. I comprehend, of course, I keep in mind, and others, only one or two mins later I can recognition it all, with no need of ideas and ideas stated by the language to make reminiscences. I just get that feeling is just like what has been imagined before in such irregular circumstances.
You think just saying it, but you also realize that actually did not total a concept.
6. Jamais Vu
Jamais vu (never seen) is described as a problem had never known but can not identify.
It is often considered as the other of deja vu and generate a feeling of scary and worry. You do not identify a problem even though you know rationally that you've been in that problem before. Usually it can be described when one individual does not identify a few instances, ideas, or a location that is actually already recognized. It creates individuals believe that the Jamais vu is a type of indication of mind exhaustion.
5. Presque Vu
Presque vu is often stated with the ideas, "seemed to have at the tip of the tongue" - is a powerful feeling that you will get a sign or ideas of what is overlooked, but it never came. The phrase "presque vu" indicates "close look". Sensation of presque vu can significantly affect the ideas and ideas, and often individuals had gone to bed he created.
4. L esprit de l'Escalier
L'esprit de l'escalier (staircase cracks at home) is the feeling to think of a brilliant kids when it was too later to be presented. The concept can be used to explain the kids are fast to offend, or any of your feedback intelligent and funny, although his introduction was too later and ineffective identical us to think when it is above the steps to depart a celebration.
A concept of In german treppenwitz used for the same objective. The nearest concept in Language to explain this problem is "being prudent after the occurrence or to be prudent after the occurrence.
The occurrence is usually associated with ideas of rue for not imagined of before to provide an immediate response feedback as desired. But it might be prudent if we think that it might be merunyamkan response partnership. God menyintai who are individual and avoid.
3. Capgras Delusion
Capgras misconception is the happening where a individual considers that a companion or household has improved its personality as a scams. This is relevant to the historical thinking that little ones have been lost and improved by a fairy youngster kidnapper in the favorite anecdotes in old instances, as well as a present day dream about aliens or aliens who take over your system of the individuals in the world to be their associates.
This misconception is discovered most generally in people with infected people, but did not concept it also has strange your ideas.
2. Fregoli Delusion
Fregoli Delusion is a scarce mind happening, in which a individual considers that individuals who are different, are really the same individual in cover. It is often associated with worry and the truth that the individual appearing it is trying to persecute him. The situation is known as after the Italian language performing professional, Leopoldo Fregoli which is prominent for its capability to enhance themselves easily during his performing designs. The first document in 1927 in a example on a 27-year-old lady who considers she is being harassed by two characters who are often seen in a theatre. He imagined that these individuals are "constantly following him with a shapeshifter like the individuals he recognized.
1. Prosopagnosia
Prosopagnosia is a happening in which a individual is incapable to identify people of individuals or physical objects that should have been known. Those who practical understanding this problem are usually able to use any other feeling to identify the individuals, like the fragrance of scent individual, design or design of wild hair, speech, or even their design. A vintage situation of this chaos was released in a publication released in 1998 and
never viewed through Erina Nyman firefox known as "The Man Who mistook his spouse for a hat or a individual who incorrectly be his spouse because of his hat.
We have some practical understanding of feeling, which comes to us for a second, from what we say, done after the said or done before, in a while ago - from the items around us, through the last, with the people of the same , physical objects, and circumstances - of our ideal understanding of what will be said later, as if we instantly keep in mind it! - Charles Dickens
Sexy Men in Women's Eyes
1. Big shoulders
Broad-shouldered man highly effective look in her experience, moreover to the broad-shouldered man in a outfits neater. Women often regarded of embracing a man with large neck area.
2. A actual arm
She seems happy when a girlfriend who has a highly effective arm, feeling her lover thought when the he or she took our possession practical knowledge warmer when our possession to acknowledge her neck area.
3. Substantial legs
From the last until now, long-legged man who has always been regarded attractive (not such as the Giraffe). Long-legged man is always regarded managing.
4. Huge chest
Women always make use of the upper body saying expensive men who are common, upper body offering the feeling of a man who is different when your lover bed linens worn out and preferred to relax on your upper body. (These suggestions also use to-chested women predominate)
5. Who go ass and kenceng
You understand that women can practical knowledge frustrated jg ass men who want meremes nungging. If you have a concentrate on, often in top of him was nungging. Mudah2an he energized.
6. A little waist
Small center that gives the belief you refreshing and loving. along with the six collection. Did you know women often look belly when he put up his outfits while managing the things on large places. (Equal to a man who wants could attire foto)
7. A refreshing face
Needless to putih2 very, important men who have a practical knowledge refreshing and gleaming. so the women could not look at your bosan2nya. If already have a distressing practical knowledge, do not add your ugliness with a sullen practical knowledge.
8. The music of the striper (not rock)
Have you ever discovered the music of Monster as he chatted, the presentation ... Elvis presley Presley, women are always curious about the man who has a presentation like that .., if known by phone. women will be in a speed to fulfill you. Next up to you.
If you've got all the above, you do not have wonderful outfits and expensive to aid your overall look, most cuman a couple of jeans and simple upper body is enough to make women hysterical.
Broad-shouldered man highly effective look in her experience, moreover to the broad-shouldered man in a outfits neater. Women often regarded of embracing a man with large neck area.
2. A actual arm
She seems happy when a girlfriend who has a highly effective arm, feeling her lover thought when the he or she took our possession practical knowledge warmer when our possession to acknowledge her neck area.
3. Substantial legs
From the last until now, long-legged man who has always been regarded attractive (not such as the Giraffe). Long-legged man is always regarded managing.
4. Huge chest
Women always make use of the upper body saying expensive men who are common, upper body offering the feeling of a man who is different when your lover bed linens worn out and preferred to relax on your upper body. (These suggestions also use to-chested women predominate)
5. Who go ass and kenceng
You understand that women can practical knowledge frustrated jg ass men who want meremes nungging. If you have a concentrate on, often in top of him was nungging. Mudah2an he energized.
6. A little waist
Small center that gives the belief you refreshing and loving. along with the six collection. Did you know women often look belly when he put up his outfits while managing the things on large places. (Equal to a man who wants could attire foto)
7. A refreshing face
Needless to putih2 very, important men who have a practical knowledge refreshing and gleaming. so the women could not look at your bosan2nya. If already have a distressing practical knowledge, do not add your ugliness with a sullen practical knowledge.
8. The music of the striper (not rock)
Have you ever discovered the music of Monster as he chatted, the presentation ... Elvis presley Presley, women are always curious about the man who has a presentation like that .., if known by phone. women will be in a speed to fulfill you. Next up to you.
If you've got all the above, you do not have wonderful outfits and expensive to aid your overall look, most cuman a couple of jeans and simple upper body is enough to make women hysterical.
History of the Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty, the pride and symbol of New York City, it was not made in New York. The statue, which was designed by French sculptor, Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi was first built and developed in France in 1874. Goddess Statue of Freedom was presented by the French people to the American people, as a birthday gift to America's independence-100.
After finishing made in France, the statue was disassembled, and packed in 200 large loads to be shipped to America. Statue of Liberty then reassembled on Bedloe's Island at the mouth of the port of New York City. Packing process is so long, until the statue of Liberty can only be inaugurated on October 28, 1886, ten years after the anniversary of American independence 100th. With a height of 46 meters and weighing 204 tons, the Statue of Liberty stands 46 meters above landasansetinggi. The inside is filled by a steel frame, while bagianluarnya made from copper plate. Steel framework of the Statue of Liberty, created and designed by Gustave Eiffel, who also designed and built the Eiffel Tower.
After finishing made in France, the statue was disassembled, and packed in 200 large loads to be shipped to America. Statue of Liberty then reassembled on Bedloe's Island at the mouth of the port of New York City. Packing process is so long, until the statue of Liberty can only be inaugurated on October 28, 1886, ten years after the anniversary of American independence 100th. With a height of 46 meters and weighing 204 tons, the Statue of Liberty stands 46 meters above landasansetinggi. The inside is filled by a steel frame, while bagianluarnya made from copper plate. Steel framework of the Statue of Liberty, created and designed by Gustave Eiffel, who also designed and built the Eiffel Tower.
Mystery of the Black Death in Europe
Events that had devastated Europe thugs around the year 1347 and 1351. Black Death was plague epidemic PES and pneumonia. Black death which occurred in about the year in the 1300s was probably the worst disaster ever befall mankind civilization on this earth.
Spread throughout the world, at least the Black Death killed approximately 40 million people, including 25 million people in Eropa.faktanya, Black Death killed one of every four Europeans in just four years ...
It is said that this disease originated from China, then transmitted to the people of Europe when a Kipchak (Mongols) invade a crowd by throwing an infected corpse into the middle of the trade center in the Crimea. Then they will reach epidemic Genoa in 1347, then spread to the west and north, reaching London and Paris in 1348.
Outbreaks may be taken first by rat fleas can also live on manusia.Hal was later turned into a plague pneumonia is spread through coughing and sneezing. After the black death plague these, terrain filled with mayat2, houses, villages and cities become desolate and empty. After that there was shortage of labor so that their wage increases and many slaves get their freedom.
It is said that thousands of human skeletons that are used as basic building construction Evora Portugal's Chapel in the framework of the victims are black death plague malignancy. figure below.
Legend of Santa Claus
The legend of Santa Claus appeared on thousands of years ago. God of war in Northern European legend, during the winter, riding the eight-legged horse who ran quickly to the end of the sky over the sea, punishing evil and praising the good, share the prize. At the same time, the son of God of Thunder is a red dress with lightning as a weapon to fight with all the snow gods in the darkness of night, which ended with the victory.
There is also a legend that says that Santa Claus comes from St.. Nicholas, Sinterklaas therefore also called St. Nicholas, because these stories largely rekindle the spirit of Christianity, the place of origin, the plot mostly been forgotten, but instead of Santa Claus in the eternal spiritual world of many people. Every year at Christmas, Santa Claus riding on top of the constellation Aries, the boy holding the sacred evergreen tree (Christmas tree) down to the human world, but along with changes in human life, writers and artists began to depict the form of Santa Claus Santa Claus dressed in red and white beard that we know today.
Simultaneously there is also a different explanation of the different countries and cultures. The origins of Santa Claus in Germany based on the story of god Woden (from here also the term 'Wodenesday' or day of Woden, which we call Wednesday (Wednesday). Woden important for the residents in the place we now know as Germany and the the ancient Teutons, in addition to English people. Woden, which is a figure in history, is described in mythology as riding a white horse through the air, by dressing robes flowing. He has a long white beard and large hat kerana He is also believed to have wisdom, and he carried a book in his hands.
Sinterklaas is makeup to be a holy man who put the hard-skinned fruit and apple in the children's shoes. He was driving a hansom cab around in all directions, observing the attitudes and behaviors of people, especially children, if demonstrated good behavior, will get a gift of apples, hard-skinned fruit, candy and a large number of other prizes. While the bad behavior of children who will only get the whip. This is what inspires parents to use a legend such as the driving spirit of the children.
In Italy, the figure of Santa Claus emerged from the story about a witch named Befana. He received his assignment from the angels to give gifts to the Lord Jesus when Jesus was born, like the Magi, but he arrived late due to their negligence. Therefore Befana punished every year before the birth of Jesus, he must give a gift as much as possible to the little children who can not afford. This belief is shared by many people, so the religious leaders in Italy took the decision to trust is transferred to Santa Claus. This was the beginning of the belief that Santa Claus was always giving gifts to children.
In the Netherlands, Santa Claus known as Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas is a bisop who wear hats and have a book that records good deeds and sins. He has a shepherd's staff and riding a white horse on the tube-tube home. Sinterklaas has a slave named Black Peter. In the Netherlands, the children sang songs around the chimney to Santa Claus. Black Peter was heard above the chimney to determine the same time there are kids singing songs very well and provide appropriate gifts to the horse Santa Claus, namely Karot and Straw. Gifts are then given to the children through the chimney.
When the Dutch colonialists arrived in the Americas, they also bring with them the bishop of Santa Claus, portrayed wearing red kasaya, and riding a white horse. Recent American Santa Claus figure gradually becomes a wise Sinterklaas. Initially, the American writer Washington Owen in the comedy drama (History of New York) depicts Santa Claus as a fat Dutch grandfather and round. 1823, the poet Clement Moore's poem and the song "The impression St.Nicholas" dramatize the figure of Saint Nicholas, grandfather's Christmas (Santa Claus). In the 1960's cartoon film producer Thomas Nash paints a grandfather of Christmas (Santa Claus) is a social and fat as an illustration.
As time passes, the figure of Santa Claus to spread to all corners of the world. A large number of countries also kept the legend associated with it. Sinterklaas from France named Father Christmas or Pere Noel, Sinterklass from Switzerland named Christkindl or Christ Child, and Santa Claus from the English name is the same with the French Father Christmas, more reverent figure compared with other Santa Claus, a little thinner. And the Santa Claus of North America is driving a reindeer pulled sled snow handing out gifts.
There is also a legend that says that Santa Claus comes from St.. Nicholas, Sinterklaas therefore also called St. Nicholas, because these stories largely rekindle the spirit of Christianity, the place of origin, the plot mostly been forgotten, but instead of Santa Claus in the eternal spiritual world of many people. Every year at Christmas, Santa Claus riding on top of the constellation Aries, the boy holding the sacred evergreen tree (Christmas tree) down to the human world, but along with changes in human life, writers and artists began to depict the form of Santa Claus Santa Claus dressed in red and white beard that we know today.
Simultaneously there is also a different explanation of the different countries and cultures. The origins of Santa Claus in Germany based on the story of god Woden (from here also the term 'Wodenesday' or day of Woden, which we call Wednesday (Wednesday). Woden important for the residents in the place we now know as Germany and the the ancient Teutons, in addition to English people. Woden, which is a figure in history, is described in mythology as riding a white horse through the air, by dressing robes flowing. He has a long white beard and large hat kerana He is also believed to have wisdom, and he carried a book in his hands.
Sinterklaas is makeup to be a holy man who put the hard-skinned fruit and apple in the children's shoes. He was driving a hansom cab around in all directions, observing the attitudes and behaviors of people, especially children, if demonstrated good behavior, will get a gift of apples, hard-skinned fruit, candy and a large number of other prizes. While the bad behavior of children who will only get the whip. This is what inspires parents to use a legend such as the driving spirit of the children.
In Italy, the figure of Santa Claus emerged from the story about a witch named Befana. He received his assignment from the angels to give gifts to the Lord Jesus when Jesus was born, like the Magi, but he arrived late due to their negligence. Therefore Befana punished every year before the birth of Jesus, he must give a gift as much as possible to the little children who can not afford. This belief is shared by many people, so the religious leaders in Italy took the decision to trust is transferred to Santa Claus. This was the beginning of the belief that Santa Claus was always giving gifts to children.
In the Netherlands, Santa Claus known as Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas is a bisop who wear hats and have a book that records good deeds and sins. He has a shepherd's staff and riding a white horse on the tube-tube home. Sinterklaas has a slave named Black Peter. In the Netherlands, the children sang songs around the chimney to Santa Claus. Black Peter was heard above the chimney to determine the same time there are kids singing songs very well and provide appropriate gifts to the horse Santa Claus, namely Karot and Straw. Gifts are then given to the children through the chimney.
When the Dutch colonialists arrived in the Americas, they also bring with them the bishop of Santa Claus, portrayed wearing red kasaya, and riding a white horse. Recent American Santa Claus figure gradually becomes a wise Sinterklaas. Initially, the American writer Washington Owen in the comedy drama (History of New York) depicts Santa Claus as a fat Dutch grandfather and round. 1823, the poet Clement Moore's poem and the song "The impression St.Nicholas" dramatize the figure of Saint Nicholas, grandfather's Christmas (Santa Claus). In the 1960's cartoon film producer Thomas Nash paints a grandfather of Christmas (Santa Claus) is a social and fat as an illustration.
As time passes, the figure of Santa Claus to spread to all corners of the world. A large number of countries also kept the legend associated with it. Sinterklaas from France named Father Christmas or Pere Noel, Sinterklass from Switzerland named Christkindl or Christ Child, and Santa Claus from the English name is the same with the French Father Christmas, more reverent figure compared with other Santa Claus, a little thinner. And the Santa Claus of North America is driving a reindeer pulled sled snow handing out gifts.
History of Confucianism (Kong Hu Cu)
Born around the year 551 BC in the small town of Lu, now entered the province of Shantung in northeastern China. In young widowed father, making life miserable in her mother's side.
When leaving an adult he became a petty civil servant, but after a lapse of some years he decided to feel a lot better off alone. Throughout the next sixteen-Kong Hu Cu become teachers, little by little to find the influences and philosophies fad followers. Stepping on the age of fifty years of his star began to shine because she can perch on the city government Lu.
The good fortune is not always friendly apparently because people are jealous with this act and the act was dragged into court so that not only managed to remove it from the chair position but also made him leave the city. No less than thirteen-year-old Kong Hu Cu wandering foot step, so the itinerant teacher, just returned home from five years before his death in 479 BC.
Kong Hu Cu-often regarded as the founder of a religion; assumption is of course wrong. He rarely associate with the divine teachings, rejecting talk of afterlife, and expressly deny any talk related matters metaflsika. He-no more and no less-a secular philosopher, just dealing with issues of political morality and personal morality and behavior.
There are two values are very important, said Kong Hu-Cu, which is "yen" and "Li:" "Yen" is often translated with the word "Love," but they are more subject to be interpreted "The hospitality in a relationship with someone." "Li "described as a combination of behaviors, of worship, customs, manners and politeness.
The cult of ancestors, the basic bin basically trust the Chinese even before the birth of Hu-Cu Kong, confirmed again with more emphasis on family loyalty and respect for the elderly. Teachings of Confucius-Cu also underlines the importance of necessity a wife respect and obey her husband and a similar obligation of a citizen to his government. This is somewhat different from the Chinese folk tales that always oppose every form of tyranny. Kong Hu Cu-sure, there is no other country to serve the interests of the people, not turned back. Not tired-jemunya Kong Hu Cu-emphasize that the ruler must rule first of all give you an example based on example rather than by moralists and play hard and kemplang. And one of the few legal doctrine similar to the "Golden Rule" his Christian who says "What you do not like others to do unto you, do not do."
Main-main views Kong Hu Cu basically very conservative. According to his opinion, the golden age was past, and he urged both the ruler and the people to return home, stick to the size genah moral, not digress. The fact that there is not an easy matter at hand. The desire Kong Hu Cu-order rule is not playing the way she snapped, but with good role models show not so smooth at the beginning of his era. Therefore, Kong Hu Cu-more approach a reformer, an innovator rather than what is really so ideal.
Kong Hu Cu-lived in Chou Dynasty, a period menyuburnya intellectual life in China, while the ruling was ignored altogether-petuahnya advice. Only after he wafatlah his teachings spread throughout the corner of China.
Berbetulan with the rise of Ch'in dynasty in 221 BC, had a very bleak future. Emperor Shih Huang Ti, First Emperor Ch'ing dynasty determined to clear-cutting round-adherent Kong Hu Cu and cut off the chain of contact the past. Issuance of orders daily squeeze creamed teachings Kong Hu-Cu and either move the mirror and professional thugs and troublemakers to do large-scale raids, seized all the books containing the teachings of Confucius-Cu and dicemplungkan into the fire pit until it is destroyed to ashes. Depravity plan is apparently also not working. When the Ch'ing dynasty neared collapse, adherents of Confucius-Cu revived embers to rekindle his spirits and doctrines of Confucius-Cu. In the next dynasty (Han Dynasty 206 BC - 220 AD). Confucianisme became the official state philosophy of China.
Starting from the Han dynasty, the emperors of China developed a system level by level selection for those who want to become civil servants by way of taking exams in order to become civil servants do not haphazard but people have good quality standards of skill and morale. Over time more and more directed and weighted selection: eye exam include basic philosophy-Kong Hu Cu. Since the country is so pegawal ladder towards the material welfare and social status keterangkatan, please understandable if among enthusiasts fought fierce battles going places. The next result, generations of air-frontman frontman Chinese intellectuals in great quantities to her until the eye dizzy realm of classical writings-Khong Hu Cu. And, for centuries the Chinese civil service consists of the people gaze rests on the philosophy of Confucius-Cu. This system (with only a slight distraction) lasted for almost two thousand years, starting in 100 BC to 1900 AD
But, Confucianisme not only government official philosophy of China, but also accepted and lived by the great majority of Chinese people, influential down to the basics of their hearts, into the waveguide direction of thinking during a period of more than two thousand years.
There are several reasons why Confucianisme have such a tremendous influence on Chinese people. First, the honesty and innocence Kong Hu Cu-no doubt. Second, he's a moderate and exceedingly practical and do not ask many things that people are not able to be implemented. If Kong Hu Cu-wanted someone to be respected, that person should not bother to become a saint first. In this case, as in the case of the other teachings, he reflects and simultaneously translate the practical character of the Chinese people. Aspect is the possibility that the most basic factor of success of the teachings of Confucius-Cu. Kong Hu-Cu is not asking exceedingly many. For example he did not ask the Chinese to exchange the basics of old beliefs. In fact the opposite, Confucius-Cu in supporting the clean clear language so that they do not need to be shuffled. Apparently, no one anywhere in the world of philosophers such close contact in terms of views which are fundamental to the population as well as Hu-Cu Kong.
Confucianisme that emphasize a series of obligations are addressed to individuals rather than accentuate their rights-it was difficult to digest and less attractive to the size of the Western world. As a philosophy of statehood seems extraordinarily effective. Measured from the point capability to maintain domestic harmony and prosperity of China within a period of not less than two thousand years, it is clear can be equated with other forms of government in the world.
The idea of philosophy Kong Hu Cu-rooted Chinese culture, not many influential outside the East Asia region. In Korea and Japan's subtle influence and is due to these two countries are strongly influenced by Chinese culture.
Currently in a state Confucianisme Guram in China. The problem is, the Communist government tried desperately to link the minds of the population with the past is lost altogether. With a persistent and systematic Confucianisme pounded out so that the most likely one day not too far away from earth Confucianisme China. But because in the past, riding Confilcianisme roots so deep in the earth plunged China, not impossible-for some hundred or hundred and fifty lahun to come - some Chinese philosophers could marry the two big ideas: Confucianisme and the teachings of Mao Tse-Tung.
When leaving an adult he became a petty civil servant, but after a lapse of some years he decided to feel a lot better off alone. Throughout the next sixteen-Kong Hu Cu become teachers, little by little to find the influences and philosophies fad followers. Stepping on the age of fifty years of his star began to shine because she can perch on the city government Lu.
The good fortune is not always friendly apparently because people are jealous with this act and the act was dragged into court so that not only managed to remove it from the chair position but also made him leave the city. No less than thirteen-year-old Kong Hu Cu wandering foot step, so the itinerant teacher, just returned home from five years before his death in 479 BC.
Kong Hu Cu-often regarded as the founder of a religion; assumption is of course wrong. He rarely associate with the divine teachings, rejecting talk of afterlife, and expressly deny any talk related matters metaflsika. He-no more and no less-a secular philosopher, just dealing with issues of political morality and personal morality and behavior.
There are two values are very important, said Kong Hu-Cu, which is "yen" and "Li:" "Yen" is often translated with the word "Love," but they are more subject to be interpreted "The hospitality in a relationship with someone." "Li "described as a combination of behaviors, of worship, customs, manners and politeness.
The cult of ancestors, the basic bin basically trust the Chinese even before the birth of Hu-Cu Kong, confirmed again with more emphasis on family loyalty and respect for the elderly. Teachings of Confucius-Cu also underlines the importance of necessity a wife respect and obey her husband and a similar obligation of a citizen to his government. This is somewhat different from the Chinese folk tales that always oppose every form of tyranny. Kong Hu Cu-sure, there is no other country to serve the interests of the people, not turned back. Not tired-jemunya Kong Hu Cu-emphasize that the ruler must rule first of all give you an example based on example rather than by moralists and play hard and kemplang. And one of the few legal doctrine similar to the "Golden Rule" his Christian who says "What you do not like others to do unto you, do not do."
Main-main views Kong Hu Cu basically very conservative. According to his opinion, the golden age was past, and he urged both the ruler and the people to return home, stick to the size genah moral, not digress. The fact that there is not an easy matter at hand. The desire Kong Hu Cu-order rule is not playing the way she snapped, but with good role models show not so smooth at the beginning of his era. Therefore, Kong Hu Cu-more approach a reformer, an innovator rather than what is really so ideal.
Kong Hu Cu-lived in Chou Dynasty, a period menyuburnya intellectual life in China, while the ruling was ignored altogether-petuahnya advice. Only after he wafatlah his teachings spread throughout the corner of China.
Berbetulan with the rise of Ch'in dynasty in 221 BC, had a very bleak future. Emperor Shih Huang Ti, First Emperor Ch'ing dynasty determined to clear-cutting round-adherent Kong Hu Cu and cut off the chain of contact the past. Issuance of orders daily squeeze creamed teachings Kong Hu-Cu and either move the mirror and professional thugs and troublemakers to do large-scale raids, seized all the books containing the teachings of Confucius-Cu and dicemplungkan into the fire pit until it is destroyed to ashes. Depravity plan is apparently also not working. When the Ch'ing dynasty neared collapse, adherents of Confucius-Cu revived embers to rekindle his spirits and doctrines of Confucius-Cu. In the next dynasty (Han Dynasty 206 BC - 220 AD). Confucianisme became the official state philosophy of China.
Starting from the Han dynasty, the emperors of China developed a system level by level selection for those who want to become civil servants by way of taking exams in order to become civil servants do not haphazard but people have good quality standards of skill and morale. Over time more and more directed and weighted selection: eye exam include basic philosophy-Kong Hu Cu. Since the country is so pegawal ladder towards the material welfare and social status keterangkatan, please understandable if among enthusiasts fought fierce battles going places. The next result, generations of air-frontman frontman Chinese intellectuals in great quantities to her until the eye dizzy realm of classical writings-Khong Hu Cu. And, for centuries the Chinese civil service consists of the people gaze rests on the philosophy of Confucius-Cu. This system (with only a slight distraction) lasted for almost two thousand years, starting in 100 BC to 1900 AD
But, Confucianisme not only government official philosophy of China, but also accepted and lived by the great majority of Chinese people, influential down to the basics of their hearts, into the waveguide direction of thinking during a period of more than two thousand years.
There are several reasons why Confucianisme have such a tremendous influence on Chinese people. First, the honesty and innocence Kong Hu Cu-no doubt. Second, he's a moderate and exceedingly practical and do not ask many things that people are not able to be implemented. If Kong Hu Cu-wanted someone to be respected, that person should not bother to become a saint first. In this case, as in the case of the other teachings, he reflects and simultaneously translate the practical character of the Chinese people. Aspect is the possibility that the most basic factor of success of the teachings of Confucius-Cu. Kong Hu-Cu is not asking exceedingly many. For example he did not ask the Chinese to exchange the basics of old beliefs. In fact the opposite, Confucius-Cu in supporting the clean clear language so that they do not need to be shuffled. Apparently, no one anywhere in the world of philosophers such close contact in terms of views which are fundamental to the population as well as Hu-Cu Kong.
Confucianisme that emphasize a series of obligations are addressed to individuals rather than accentuate their rights-it was difficult to digest and less attractive to the size of the Western world. As a philosophy of statehood seems extraordinarily effective. Measured from the point capability to maintain domestic harmony and prosperity of China within a period of not less than two thousand years, it is clear can be equated with other forms of government in the world.
The idea of philosophy Kong Hu Cu-rooted Chinese culture, not many influential outside the East Asia region. In Korea and Japan's subtle influence and is due to these two countries are strongly influenced by Chinese culture.
Currently in a state Confucianisme Guram in China. The problem is, the Communist government tried desperately to link the minds of the population with the past is lost altogether. With a persistent and systematic Confucianisme pounded out so that the most likely one day not too far away from earth Confucianisme China. But because in the past, riding Confilcianisme roots so deep in the earth plunged China, not impossible-for some hundred or hundred and fifty lahun to come - some Chinese philosophers could marry the two big ideas: Confucianisme and the teachings of Mao Tse-Tung.
Secret Behind Monalisa Smile
The mystery of Mona Lisa's smile indicated in the famous portrait of Leonardo da Vinci finally revealed. German academics feel confident they have managed to solve the mystery that has lasted several centuries behind the identity of a beautiful girl who becomes the object of his famous paintings.
Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a wealthy businessman Florence, Francesco del Giocondo, has long been regarded as the most likely model for the painting of the 16th century. Nevertheless, art historians have often wondered whether the smiling woman may actually da Vinci's lover, his mother or the artist himself.
Now experts at the Heidelberg University library said based on notes written in a book on its owner in October 1503 acquired the certainty for all that Lisa del Giocondo was indeed the model in the painting, which is one of the world-famous portrait paintings. "All doubts about the identity of the Mona Lisa have been dashed following the discovery by Dr. Armin Schlechter, "a manuscript expert, the library said in a statement.
Until now, only be obtained "is less convincing evidence" from sixteenth-century documents. "This creates room for different interpretations and there are many different identities put forward," said library. The notes were made by Agostino Vespucci, an official and friend of da Vinci Florence, a collection of letters written in the Roman orator, Cicero. Posts in the notes to compare Leonardo to the ancient Greek artist Apelles and stated he was working on three paintings, one of which is a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo.
The art experts who have years of making paintings that relate to the medieval era, said the Heidelberg discovery is a breakthrough and the previous mention of linking the merchant's wife by painting the portrait. "There's no reason to continue to doubt that this portrait is the other woman," Leipzig University art historian said, Frank Zoelner, told German radio.
Lisa Gherardini, the wife of a wealthy businessman Florence, Francesco del Giocondo, has long been regarded as the most likely model for the painting of the 16th century. Nevertheless, art historians have often wondered whether the smiling woman may actually da Vinci's lover, his mother or the artist himself.
Now experts at the Heidelberg University library said based on notes written in a book on its owner in October 1503 acquired the certainty for all that Lisa del Giocondo was indeed the model in the painting, which is one of the world-famous portrait paintings. "All doubts about the identity of the Mona Lisa have been dashed following the discovery by Dr. Armin Schlechter, "a manuscript expert, the library said in a statement.
Until now, only be obtained "is less convincing evidence" from sixteenth-century documents. "This creates room for different interpretations and there are many different identities put forward," said library. The notes were made by Agostino Vespucci, an official and friend of da Vinci Florence, a collection of letters written in the Roman orator, Cicero. Posts in the notes to compare Leonardo to the ancient Greek artist Apelles and stated he was working on three paintings, one of which is a portrait of Lisa del Giocondo.
The art experts who have years of making paintings that relate to the medieval era, said the Heidelberg discovery is a breakthrough and the previous mention of linking the merchant's wife by painting the portrait. "There's no reason to continue to doubt that this portrait is the other woman," Leipzig University art historian said, Frank Zoelner, told German radio.
Cases Mad World
- A woman from tenesse who upset after catching her husband fell asleep with a cigarette in his hand still on his mattress so that the puncture, who left a cigarette still burning in the same place only for her husband what ADVISED OF THE CONSEQUENCES IF asleep in bed with D STILL LIT CIGARETTE ... his home in sum ... burn out ...
- Remo Jalosjos, a congressman in the Philippines was sentenced to 173 years in prison on charges of repeatedly raping a child 11 years old. What kind of life in prison? He had several own room, complete with tv, kitchen, private kamarmandi complete with water heater etc.. He not only sells food to rekan2 a prison in his stall is also a tennis court rented new-built it. When criticized about how he was getting preferential treatment, he insisted that it was wrong that the government could not provide the same treatment to other inmates.
- St. Clair County, Illinois, has spent $ 330 million dollars to build an airport who turned out for a year did not stop off at one plane-were both airlines and private, operate 12 hours per day with 27 workers + full team firefighters and maintenances, funny thing is the cost of renovation of $ 2.5 million still approve even though until now there has been no single airline is willing to use the airport.
- Paul Stiller, 47, and his wife were both treated in Andover Township, New Jersey, in September last, who both suffered injuries severe enough dynamite as a result of quarter who stick exploded in his car. When on the road, a couple who in trouncing boredom iseng2 burn dynamite and threw it out the window of his car to remove saturated. Unfortunately they are NOT FORGET OPEN window.
- A Turkish truck driver, Nazim Canturkas, lit a match to heat the gas tank is frozen. Based on the statement in a mocking tone of a fireman on duty at the time, Nazim using way too dangerous ..
- Oklahoma City, Dennis Newton (47), currently undergoing trial on charges of armed robbery of a store, the actual time he was on the wind, till when the store manager testified that Newton was indeed the perpetrator of the robbery, Newton was furious and immediately went to the manager and shouted "I should just shoot your head !!!", then immediately fell silent all who attend. "Ee ... meaning if it was I who robbed the time ...", Newton was correct that his words ... but gara2 jury and the judge became convinced that he is innocent ... the result of 30 years in prison for Newton ...
- In Baltimore, Maryland, a woman lost to Syracuse, New York after a long drive a car. Ashamed to confess lost, and did not know the way home, when he saw a policeman, he confessed that he had been abducted by an armed man a fire in Baltimore, because of this recognition, there was a pursuit operation involving 5 yg unity of several states. Until it was found that the real cause, the woman was detained and only allowed to go home when her husband who picked her husband and ONLY MAY ALSO D drove.
- Detroit: R.C. Gaitlan, 21, approached two officers who were demonstrating squad car computer felon-location equipment to children in Detroit neighborhood. When he asked how to work the machine, the officer asked for his ID, Gaitlan then gives her license, the officer then enter the ID number Gaitlan who then immediately arrested and the paralyzing moment, why? because the computer turns on the officer's name appears as the DPO Gaitlan (wanted) an armed robbery suspect two years ago ...
- In Ohio, an identity is not clear who was ahead of the 30s went to the police station with all 9 inches of wire sticking out of his forehead. With his quiet, laki2 asked officers to try to rontgent her to discover who he thought his brain had been stolen, terkaget2 officers, especially when he learned that laki2 has been drilled as deep as 6 inches of his head through his skull with a power drill and insert the wire imaginable on his forehead was only to find that he lost his brain!!
- February, according to a report pollicis in Windsor, ONT., Daniel Kolta, 27, and Randy Taylor, 33, died from his head after the second pit penalty equal courage of his snowmobile crashed ...
- In Phnom Penh restaurant, three Cambodians died after playing "footsies" (jepit2an feet) under the dining table with an anti-tank mines failed to explode reply that they may find. All visitors ran out when the restaurant knows what they are doing ...
- In 1999, a small town in Kingsville, Texas, when a commotion in the middle of the night "Mungkin-Mungkin" assault on his city's 800-soldier with camouflage uniforms and 8 helicopters. tembak2an happen, bomb2 detonated, a factory and the former police station falling apart, none of 911 officers who can explain the incidence of proficiency level, until finally a military official apologized for forgetting to tell you about the plan of urban gorilla warfare exercises. and apologized for the destruction of two buildings who were destroyed as a result of misdirected ...
- Modesto, CA, Steven Richard King was arrested for his efforts to rob a Bank of America branch without a weapon, he uses his fingers behind his clothes recondite to outwit a bank clerk, until finally the plan failed after he accidentally took his hands from his jacket ...
- Sylvester Briddell, Jr.., 26, was killed last February in Selbyville, Delaware, after winning a bet with teman2nya. Material stakes ... .. Dare Briddell pulled the trigger revolver containing four bullets who pointed to his mouth ...
- A robber in Topeka, Kansas Kwik Shop mndatangi, and demanded all the money you have in the cash register, which it turns out it was too little for him, feeling less, he also binds shopkeepers and disguised as a cashier for about 3 hours with the intent who knows the number of rampokannya can grow ... alih2 increases, the fact that even police officers who happened to stop by and then find out his disguise immediately arrested on the spot.
- AT & T fired President John Walter after nine months in office by reason of lack of "intellectual leadership". John Walter receives severance pay of $ 26 million over the dismissal.
- Los Angeles Police fortunate moment, when the robbery suspects were lined up for identification of the suspect's face ... one can not control his mouth ... when the detective questioned the suspects one by one, and then mimicked kata2 dicari2 robber who was that ... "Give me all your money, or I'll shoot ! "Mungkin-Mungkin ... .. aka suddenly one of the suspects are screaming with ngototnya ... "Hey, I'm not so ngomongnya!" ...
- A man from Illinois, pretending to have a gun, kidnapped a motorist and forced him to go to two different ATM machines to withdraw money from his account alone !!!!!
- A boy aged 19 from Sheffield Lake, Ohio, stealing her credit card to pay his girlfriend a boob job ... unfortunately, his girlfriend decided directly after the operation and the boy was now undergo 18 months of incarceration ...
- Christopher Jansen, a defendant's possession of a weapon who demanded the police who frisked him back because there was no evidence, going through the trial last March in Pontiac, Michigan. He insisted that officers had frisked without a warrant. The prosecutor also insisted, officers do not need a letter to search, because Jansen seen carrying a suspicious object inside his jacket, "it could be a gun or anything" he said. "Nonsense" said Jansen, who happens to wear the same jacket, and then he showed it to the judge, fool, when he gave his jacket to the judge, he did not check in advance the contents of the bag. When the judge examined his jacket ... ... ... ... terpingkal2 he laughs. know why? because it appeared in the Jansen's jacket pocket he found a package of cocaine!
- Guthrie, Oklahoma, last October, Jason Heck intends to kill a millipede with his .22-caliber rifle, missed, the bullet on the rocks and mentally so that the head of his friend, Antonio Martinez, who then suffered a fracture in his skull ...
- Police in Oakland, Calif., spent two hours trying to make an armed man who took refuge in his house to surrender. After 10 times fired tear gas, officials realized that there were armed men beside them as he went along with screaming for people who in the house to come out and surrender ...
- Two Michigan robbers entered a record store in Detroit, with a nervous one robber shouting "Do not anyone move!" While pointing a gun ... but either because it is nervous or unintentionally, when his partner is moving toward the cash register, direct Just BANG! tumbanglah the partner ... and ...
- Medford, Oregon, an unemployed 27-year-old who had just killed three people, accused the college where he earned an MBA as a cause ... he said "this is too many college graduates printing business ... if I choose other majors would definitely not like this ..."
- Again lunkhead robbers ... in San Francisco, (again in sono rame nih ... still a fairly recent occurrence) Patrick Johnson, intending to rob a bank branch Welfare. Johnson gave a piece of check reads "This robbery, put your money into my bag", on a teller at the bank they will be, but the teller said, "sorry sir, we can not cash a check the father, because it checks the Bank of America, if you want to father replace with a check or father's Welfare Bank to Bank of America branch office, sir ... ', Johnson replied ... "oooo ... so ... yes I was there alone ..." not long before he was arrested while waiting in line at a branch office of Bank of America who not far from there, after the teller then had to rush to call the police so Johnson went to leave ... (worse, it turns out check sheets in use did was his personal ...)
The World's First President Refuse Salaried
Fernando Lugo Mendez is not a conglomerate or a politician wallowing in money. Former bishop is just a puppy social worker. But quite unexpectedly, socialists who study the teachings of Pancasila is even refusing a salary as President of Paraguay, which announced on the night before his inauguration, Friday, August 16 last. Lugo's decision is the greatest miracle in world politics, the history of democracy in the universe. He alone against the tide of prevailing in all countries, including in the U.S., where the post of president of privilege and opportunity to enrich themselves and the group. Lugo stunning decision has been warmly welcomed by thousands of supporters. However, Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa warned anxiously, "As soon as Lugo began to change things, the attack will begin." The attack is going to come from the capitalists, including political forces oriented to the U.S.. It is no coincidence that all the socialist Latin American leader attending the inauguration of Fernando Lugo, a modest place in the capital Asuncion .. They are united by the spirit of anti-United States, or at least stand up and say NO to the country's super power. By contrast the countries that led the pro-American conservative politicians, namely Mexico, Colombia, Peru, just send an envoy. The wing socialist president who attended the inauguration of "president of the poor", among others, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Brazil), Cristina Kirchner (Argentina), Michelle Bachelet (Chile), Evo Morales (Bolivia), and Rafael Correa (Ecuador). Their presence makes the inauguration celebration of the resurrection is a kind of new-style socialism in Latin American soil. Fernando Lugo, 56, won Paraguay's presidential election in April. Previously he worked as a Catholic bishop in the impoverished areas of neighboring countries with Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia's. He got permission while on leave from the Vatican, won the election, and became the first bishop in the world to successfully win the presidential election. Paraguay president smaller salary than the salary of members of the House of Representatives DID you how much the salary of a president in Paraguay? According to news agency Associated Press, the president of Paraguay is the salary of 4,000 U.S. dollars or approximately Rp.37 million per month. Very small compared to members of the House of Representatives salary, amounting to Rp.49 million per month. And the smaller the more than the salary of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono about Rp.150 million per month. By refusing to get a paycheck, Bung Karno's admirers thought this would really be a volunteer in Paraguay came to power. Lugo will be the only country in the world's leaders are purely volunteer alias worked without remuneration. Fabulous! Indeed, he rose to power in the country, thanks to the support of the poor, especially landless farmers and trade unions. Perhaps his decision was the most tangible manifestation of solidarity to the poor, which accounted for 35.6 percent of the total population. This noble act of Fernando Lugo fits very well with the campaign slogan Sutrisno Bachir: because life is an act. Now turn Sutrisno and other Indonesian leaders to imitate the real action Lugo: because life is real action! Life is served ... PARAGUAY landless farmers is the poorest country in Latin America. Country's major income comes from agricultural products, mainly soybeans and derivative products which accounted for more than half of its exports, which in 2007 recorded 2390 million U.S. dollars. Economic growth rate is actually pretty good, which is 6.4 percent per year. With a population of "only" 6.5 million people, a country with an area of 406,762 sq km is supposed to be prosperity for its people. However, due to mismanagement of the country; was ruled by dictatorship for 39 years, corruption and nepotism is rampant, and more than a third of the population is landless peasants; then the label of the poorest countries in the region forced to prey. Trials on the first day in power: the drug disappeared from the market and fuel a surprising TRIUMPH Lugo put an end to the dominance of the Colorado Party for 61 years in that beautiful country. But it is not impossible, "Golkar" Paraguay will be his return to power, if the coalition government led by Lugo failed to dampen the euphoria arising anarchism among poor farmers. Immediately after confirming Lugo won the election, the peasants without land, a direct steal of agricultural lands held by large companies. At the same time pememerintahan Lugo who has direct day-old shaken by the capitalists, by stockpiling of fuel which resulted in vital goods disappeared from the market. The drugs also disappear from pharmacy shelves. This could lead to crises.
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